CTech | CTech at Farnborough Airshow with Its Innovative Communication Solutions

CTech at Farnborough Airshow with Its Innovative Communication Solutions

CTech | CTech at Farnborough Airshow with Its Innovative Communication Solutions
24 July 2024

CTech, which provides high-tech products for sea, land, air, and space platforms, is showcasing its communication solutions at the Farnborough International Airshow in the UK from July 22-26. At the fair, which brings together companies in the space, aviation, and defense industries at the Farnborough International Exhibition and Conference Centre every two years, CTech is presenting its new black box product, along with its line-of-sight and beyond-line-of-sight communication products, contributing to domestic production and exports.

CTech General Manager Dr. Cüneyd Fırat highlighted the unique opportunities the fair offers to connect with top global companies and engage with decision-makers. He stated, “We have the chance to introduce our products such as Ufuk-Link Mini, Scofus, SkyARX, HeliARX, and SecureARX, which have proven themselves not only in our country but also worldwide. Besides showcasing our experience and high-tech solutions, we are excited to meet with leading companies in the space, aviation, and defense sectors and discuss new collaborations. The fair aims to exhibit the pinnacle of technologies, and as CTech, we are presenting our field-proven solutions to the world through the fair.”


New Black Box Product Unveiled for the First Time

Fırat noted that they chose the Farnborough Airshow to unveil their newly developed black box product due to its aviation-themed nature. “Our black box product, a crash-resistant cockpit voice and mission data recorder, will ensure the protection of recorded information despite harsh external conditions like impact, temperature, and underwater pressure during or after an accident. With an underwater locator transmitter attached to the device, the platform’s location can be easily determined if it remains underwater after a crash. The data recorded during flight can be downloaded and analyzed post-flight using the device’s Ethernet interface and CTech-developed software tool. The device’s convection cooling feature eliminates the need for any fan or climate-controlled environment, allowing it to be integrated into all types of aircraft (fixed-wing or rotary-wing),” he said. Emphasizing that the product will be ready for use very soon, Dr. Cüneyd Fırat stated that they will meet the needs of domestically produced air platforms and contribute to the country’s technology exports by being included in international air platforms.

Showcased Domestic and National Technology Products

At the fair, where more than 1,200 companies from 44 countries participate, CTech is showcasing its domestic and national technology products:

UfukLink-Mini Family: Broadband Communication Solution for Land, Air, and Sea Platforms

The UfukLink-Mini product family offers reliable, uninterrupted, and high-speed data transfer over long distances within the line of sight, providing superior performance for manned platforms like helicopters, planes, and ships, as well as unmanned platforms like UAVs, UGVs, and USVs. The UfukLink-Mini products, usable in both military and civilian fields, easily realize many application scenarios, especially swarm scenarios, through the MESH structure they establish among themselves.

New Broadband Communication Product SCOFUS

Scofus combines different communication channels like SATCOM, RF-LOS, and 4G/5G (GSM) into a single powerful channel, ensuring the required bandwidth for autonomous and semi-autonomous land, air, and sea platforms. Thanks to the integrated connection provided, the system continues to operate uninterrupted even if some communication channels are cut off or out of coverage.


SecureARX Anti-Jam Satellite Communication Modems are designed to meet the needs of all applications requiring secure beyond-line-of-sight communication, primarily for military and government applications. This product, which provides a reliable, flexible, robust, and easily deployable, manageable, and operable system by simultaneously using a mix of fixed, portable, and mobile terminals, meets all requirements for satellite communication (SATCOM) usage scenarios of fixed and mobile land, sea, and air vehicles.



The SkyARX Terminal is a compact satellite communication antenna system with high-precision satellite tracking capability and over 200,000 hours of flight experience, providing bi-directional data communication with air platforms. This terminal allows civil and official users to transmit high-resolution live images, radar, and sensor data from air vehicles and ensures the command and control tasks of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) through a secure bi-directional link.



HeliARX, which ensures uninterrupted communication thanks to its special waveform developed against the signal-blocking effect of helicopter blades, consists of a modem providing uninterrupted satellite tracking at high temperatures and vibrations, a compact SOTM antenna, and a ground terminal. HeliARX can instantly transmit live voice, video, image, radar, and sensor data to any place worldwide. The SOTM Antenna, with its four-axis, high-speed, and acceleration capability, overcomes the disruptive effects of the helicopter, enabling operations in all geographies covered by Geosynchronous satellites, including the Equator region. Instant data exchange provides mission flexibility and allows for quicker responses to unexpected situations.