CTech | CTech attended the 5G Summit Turkey event

CTech attended the 5G Summit Turkey event

CTech | CTech attended the 5G Summit Turkey event
23 June 2023

CTech Bilişim Teknolojileri participated in the “5G Summit Turkey” event held on May 4th in Ankara at the Information and Communication Technologies Authority building.

CTech became a silver sponsor of the event, which focused on discussing 5G technologies and their future.

CTech showcased its products including SkyARX Ka 12, KRYPTOS, MOBİL IOT AĞ GECİDİ VE VİDEO AKTARIM CİHAZI (MOBIOT), MODEO LIVE MOBİL CANLI YAYIN CİHAZI, 60GHZ RADYO LİNK TERMINALİ, and UFUK-FO80HDX 80GHZ RADIO LINK, and conducted various discussions during the event.

Ejder Arslan, the Product Manager of the company, participated as a speaker in the “5G: What’s Next?” panel. Arslan provided insights into the opportunities that 5G technology offers for businesses and consumers during the panel discussion.