CTech | Scofus
CTech | Scofus
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SCOFUS creates one broadband channel by fusing different communication channels.
All communication resources like SATCOM, RF-LOS, LTE/5G act as single wideband channel.

Each communications technology such as SATCOM, RF Radio-link or Cellular has its own unique limitations.
Relying on a single type of communication channel for autonomous Air, Land and Marine Platforms, may cause interruptions and operational issues.
CTech’s SCOFUS technology developed to use all communication channels actively to create one uninterrupted broadband channel for seamless communication.

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Use Cases

CTech | Scofus



Increased bandwidth
Providing uninterrupted communication
Extend the operational coverage area
Remotely control autonomous vehicles
Two way, low delay data/telemetry communication
Multi-channel high quality live video transmission

Default Connections

Broadband SATCOM (Ka, Ku)
L Band Satellite
6 Embedded Cellular (LTE/5G) with *Private APN
Cable (Ethernet)


10 x High Quality Video
Data/Telemetry/Autonomous Control
CTech | Scofus


CTech SCOFUS technology increases the bandwidth by adding each communication channel’s data traffic to the available band
and provides fusion connectivity. In case of losing the communication links one by one, the system seamlessly keep operating without any interruption.

CTech SCOFUS Technology fragments and distributes data packets through different communication links based on parameters such as channel band availability, delay/jitter etc.

Private APN: Private Access Point name to use GSM networks securely for non-public LTE/5G communications.

CTech,CTech provides complete integrated communications solution by combining CTech ARX Series SATCOM Systems, Ufuk LOS Systems, Cellular Systems, managed by MOBIoT IoT Management Center Software.